Monday, May 19, 2008

You Know You're From Gladstone IF......

Saturday, April 19, 2008 Nanette Jaeger

You Know You're From Gladstone If.........

1. You say you live in Happy Rock.
2. You never say to yourself, "My hair is a mess today; I hope I don't run into anyone I know at the store." Because, you will run into someone you know.
3. You get your hair cut, teeth cleaned, taxes done, and grab a cup of coffee and book to read, all on one street downtown.
4. You can use the phrase "I think I'll drop by City Hall today to ask about something" and not even bat an eye. You can't remember the last time you needed an appointment.
5. You know that the Chautauqua Festival signals the beginning of hot dog and bar-b-q season.
6. Post office employees get your packages waiting to be picked up, when they spot you walking through the front door.
7. You shudder when the weather forecast calls for heavy rain. You aren't so sure the 100 Year Flood will wait another hundred years.
8. When you talk to a company on the phone from another state, you know you'll need to say Gladstone is one word not two.
9. You come home to find fresh garden vegetable on your front porch.
10. A neighbor has an open house, and all the neighbors come to have a look-see at the house for sale. Same with garage sales. If the neighbors don't stop by for a look-see and a chat, you wonder if they are OK.

Do you have anything to add to the "You Know You're From Gladstone If......" list? Email me!

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